Why Rehashing Your Trauma Isn't Necessary to Begin the Process of Healing

Nov 24, 2021

A long-standing and inadvertently harmful myth we're told is you have to go back in time with a spotlight & magnifying glass to unpack and explore all the horrible sh*t that happened to you in order to heal and overcome trauma.

We're here to tell you it’s simply not true and can actually cause more harm than good. Let's get into why you don't need to rehash the past to heal!

The good news is with the help of a little brain 🧠 science aka neuroplasticity, a couple savvy chicks who say fk a lot and the right tools, you can actually start implementing practices RN that will offer you nearly immediate relief AND set the stage for radical transformation and sincere healing w/ permanent results.


Watch the video above and share with us one insight that brings you relief in the comments below.

This is the kind of deep work we navigate in Life Camp, healing from sexual assault, healing from sexual abuse, healing your brain, integrating your trauma, closing the gap on who you are and who you want to be.

From Star Rose Bond, LCSW and Ruby Christine Head, Co Founders of Life Camp and your strategy obsessed, neuroscience based, Trauma informed therapist and coach.

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