What is the Nurtured Heart Approach to Parenting and Why You Need It!
Dec 22, 2022
If you're not interested in changing any of your relationships, especially your relationship with your kid(s) or any youth in your life, then by all means, feel free to skip this blog post.. we won't be offended... but, there may still be some worthy nuggets if you keep reading, and you're already here! (Or, you may want to share this with a friend who's having a particularly challenging time parenting...)
THE training that Alli is talking about is free to you... sign up today, even if you can't watch it for a few days, you'll have access for the next few weeks... but if you wait to sign up, you and I both know the likelihood of this blog disappearing into the abyss that is your 57 open tabs and you missing out on this in depth training (face to palm) will be the outcome. Click here to sign up for our not-to-be-missed Masterclass: How to transform the intense child and become a more awesome you!
In celebration of holiday season, aka everyone and everything running amok to the tune of Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas" we're offering something ultra-valuable for free (the masterclass above) and something ultra-valuable for a really great price (all the details below). Are you ready for this?!?
Star and I love Camp NHA... like all things we do in business it's a unique offer you won't find anywhere else. We took our 35 years combined experience in the field, combined it with the Nurtured Heart Approach certified training and added a hefty dose of Life Camp... because we are always going for lasting change, deep relief and skills to get you through with as much fun and simplicity as possible. This course is doable, science based and a hoot!
Camp NHA is our 6 module online course with over 12 hours of change-your-life-worthy content. Each module includes integration exercises and breathing practices to support and solidify your learning as well as a follow up recorded Q/A call... these calls alone are worth the price of admission. Star and I answer specific questions while also giving everyone a universal lens to apply the solution to their unique situation. There was no stone left unturned and no challenge with my child left behind in those 6 powerful question and answer coaching sessions.
In addition to gaining an in depth understanding of what is the Nurtured Heart Approach, exactly how to apply it to any and every situation with the youth in your life...
Camp NHA also includes:
👉🏿 Clear, specific and practical tools on how to restore your relationship with your children (and your partner/spouse) and if you are an educator with the youth you teach.
👉🏾 Support and guidance through each step as you employ this approach in your home or school and with your family.
👉🏽 A new mindset along with a practical application on how to bring connection and sanity back into the home or classroom.
👉🏼 A basic understanding of neurobiology and its critical role in parenting and educating.
👉🏿 Information on the dangers of over-diagnosing children AND the overuse of medication.
👉🏻A brief outline of trauma symptomatology in children and ways to support healing.
👉 The ability to eliminate power struggles resulting in bribing, taking things away, timeouts or grounding.
👉🏾 Powerful tools on how to approach nearly EVERY situation, EVERY time for EVERY age.
Why are we opening enrollment for this self-paced online course? Because you can get relief, hope and real tools that work for just over $30 a month in our payment plan or $197 paid in full... we've never offered this course before as a go at your own pace program... and here we are...
1... it's fun...
2... the transformation you'll experience is worth thousands, and
3... our clients LOVE Camp NHA and we think you will too.
Our CAMP NHA Grads answer: What feedback have you been dying to tell us...
Star and I are the cofounders and creators of Life Camp International and trauma informed coaches... and, like every good superhero, we both lead other *not-so-secret* lives... Star is a licensed psychotherapist and a Nurtured Heart Approach certified trainer and I'm the founding director of Our Wilderness Now, a nonprofit youth adventure program and have 20+ years experience mentoring and coaching youth and adults! Camp NHA is the classic world-renowned 5 week Nurtured Heart Approach workshop remixed with our signature Life Camp coaching, support and neuroscience based tools to repair your brain, nervous system and body!
“The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a set of core methodologies originally developed for working with the most difficult children. It has become a powerful way of bringing inner wealth [emotional resource, confidence and connection] to all children while facilitating parenting and classroom success. It has a proven, transformative impact on every child, including those with behavioral diagnosis such as ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Reactive Attachment Disorder – almost always without the need for medications or long-term treatment.”
AKA: it’s the REAL deal! Like I said, I’ve worked with youth for over 20 years (holy moly!) and when I first encountered NHA it was a no brainer, not only did I see it literally transform Star's relationship with her son, it also deeply resonated with me.
I loved it because it eloquently explained and broke down the steps to so much of what I had already figured out (through years of trial and error) and had been implementing in all my programs. My success with the "difficult" teens and kids from all ages and backgrounds was "natural" to me. And, I had been wanting something I could share with my staff to give them the extra tools they needed to be successful and feel good with all the kids we worked with.
As a leader, educator and coach, NHA was the perfect training to add in. I instantly dove in took a training myself, read all the books... and had my staff get trained through our first Camp NHA! For the staff in my small but mighty organization, it was the missing link. It passes the no BS litmus: it makes sense easily, it’s simple to implement and it’s effective! No hoops, no guilt-trip, no power struggles, no more crying-on-the-floor-why-is-this-so-dang-hard episodes!
Transform the intense child with Camp NHA & become a more awesome you!
What you'll get:
- 6 Video Training Modules, over 10 hours!
- NHA Core Training: evidence-based approach for transforming children’s difficult behaviors, including those linked to ADHD.
- The skills & practices necessary to bring joy & ease to parenting, teaching, and working with children through NHA’s scientifically-proven methodology.
- Life Camp inspired Integration Exercises & Strategies with every module to successfully implement NHA in your home or classroom
- 6 Recorded Support, Q/A and Coaching Calls
- Our signature Life Camp tools and strategies to skyrocket your success
- NHA certification (if desired)
- Lifetime access via our online portal
I've talked your ear off now lets her from some real life humans... our CAMP NHA Grads answer: If you loved CAMP NHA? We'd love a testimonial!
We'd love to have you in Camp NHA... you can get started on Module 1 right now by clicking here.
Parenting gets to be good,
Life gets to be easy &
YOU get to be awesome!
We're so grateful for you! Thank you for being a part of our Life Camp Community!
Big hugs,
Ruby & Star
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