Life Camp's Holiday Guide to THRIVE: Do's, Don'ts and Stops!
Dec 17, 2022
Many of us are knee deep in the holiday season and we know that experience varies for everyone.
This year we want to encourage you to choose you… whatever that looks like. I (Star here) personally love the holidays and the new year because it’s a time to proclaim the things you want to change and really begin to create a vision of possibility around this new way of being, living and loving.
Fuck stressful family affairs, shopping frenzies and the long list of obligatory actions.
I love the spirit of gratitude, family and gift giving but only when it’s authentic. If you’re going to give this year, we want to encourage you to give because you want to... not because you're supposed to.
Take a moment, and breathe with me. Deep breath in through your nose, filling your belly, chest and lungs and a long slow exhale also through the nose.
How would giving feel if every gift was given freely, without expectation of return... from your heart? Would you give less or give more? Would you shop differently? How would you prioritize feeling -when you're out and about, running errands, meeting friends- if you were inspired to be doing it from appreciation and love instead of obligation?
What would it look like to host from the heart this year? To say yes to welcoming family and friends because it feels really good? If hosting dinner, parties and events often results in overwhelm -then simply practice doing it your way, a new way that nurtures your heart... or not at all. It's OK to say, not this year... or allow someone else (or even a restaurant/caterer) to take over the responsibility of hosting.
While we’re on the topic of doing it your way...
What would your way look like?
Let’s play!!
What is it that you really want for yourself and the people you love not only this holiday season but for this upcoming year?
More quality time?
More down time?
More adventure?
More sex?
More fun and excitement?
More ease and nourishment?
Time for creativity?
Lasting change?
Releasing the painful past?
Determine what it is you really want and be willing to explore all the different ways you can cultivate your desires into your life. Not next week, not next year, but today!!!
Pick just one small action every day that demonstrates the person you’re becoming and build upon that. The greatest change doesn't always come from taking a gigantic leap of faith... lasting, sustainable and GREAT feeling change comes from focusing on a 1% shift; being willing to make micro commitments to yourself every day.
- 90 seconds of slow deep breathing
- Take 5 minutes to journal every morning
- Thinking of 3 things you feel appreciation for when you wake up
- Listing your daily accomplishments before bed
- Spending 5 to 15 minutes meditating (or simply breathing slowly with your eyes closed) daily
- Say "no" more to things that feel tedious, or leave you feeling worn out
- Say "yes" to pleasure and things that feel fun
- Go for a walk
- Hang out barefoot on the earth
- End your shower with 30 seconds of cold water (build up to 90)
- Go outside in the morning and feel the sun on your face and reset your circadian clock
- Stretch or do gentle yoga
- Appreciate the little things your friends/family do for you
- Drink an extra cup of water with a squeeze of lime or lemon in the afternoon
- Experiment with a new style, step out of your "go to"
- Skip the midday coffee and do jumping jacks instead
- Pause before responding to something challenging (see the 1st suggestion!)
- Close your eyes for 60 seconds and imagine who you are becoming, add details and feelings
- Set a time every day when you turn your phone off or put it on airplane mode
- Say "thank you" more
This is what living with intention looks and feels like. This is living the dream. It doesn't need to be massive leaps of faith, or big fantastical gestures, it's small daily steps in the direction you want to be heading. You'll get to AWESOME a lot faster than you think!
Most importantly, if you’re taking some “time off” this month, take the actual time off! It's so easy to habitually fill your days with activities, chores and a list of things you want to "hurry up and get done" before you go back to work.
You know the drill... you finally get time off so you fill it with all the things you don't have normally have time for, only to feel exhausted and underwhelmed at the end of your break... or worse, you commit to a rigorous schedule doing all that "self-help" stuff you know would be good for you then procrastinating, bingeing the latest series (bc it's all you really have the energy for) and then feeling bad for not following through and doing what you thought you should do. Cue the self-shame burnout cycle.
Want to be revolutionary? Ready to buck the system? Then give hustle the heave ho and...
Give yourself permission to rest.
Give yourself permission to play! Catch up on a fiction book, sleep in, be easy and unscheduled. In a world where we are measured by constant, never ending -being, doing and having- actually resting is an act of revolution. Do you think we are exaggerating?
Just try it and notice how much resistance comes up... resting can be SO uncomfortable! Maybe you'll guilt yourself into doing more. Maybe you'll feel embarrassed for being "lazy." Feel into the resistance and rest anyway. Give yourself permission... it matters (and it helps).
Rest is the medicine that restores our creativity, our kindness, our passion for life.
This is the antidote to burnout... to use your downtime exactly as it’s designed. If you're needing a little extra support or words of encouragement, we've got lots of FREE 60-90 second coaching clips and playlists from Relationships to Parenting 101 to Healing Trauma over on Life Camp TV to give your day, your heart and your soul a boost!
If overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout have you feeling like you need more than a little support we've got Life Camp... this is our 9 month hybrid course and group coaching program (and for the month of December it's $100 off with the coupon THRIVE at checkout). It's perfectly designed to give you the insight, awareness, tools and exact strategies to create lasting permanent change and close the gap on who you are becoming.
We've combined the best of brain science, trauma informed coaching and deep relationship work to help you regulate your nervous system (so the work you do lasts), dismantle old beliefs/traumas/negative beliefs (so you can turn the poison of your past into medicine for the future) and up level your relationships, career and lifestyle (so you don't ever get stuck in old patterns of shame and blame).
Life Camp is our virtual camp for grown-ass adults who want to make radical change and step into their limitless power by applying science-backed practices in an immersive LIVE trauma informed coaching program. It's full of high-touch support (our clients LOVE this part) but doesn't require you to spend hours and hours every day just to feel a little better... we help you create BIG, lasting, sustainable change...
All the marketing "experts" advise against using the word "transformation" but we know that's what we really provide in Life Camp... the opportunity for actual transformation.
When it's finally time to dump the BS stories and create radical confidence, clarity and purpose, we've got you covered. We're giving anyone who enrolls now access to all the Life Camp content (10 course modules, our extensive downloadable meditation and breath work library, follow along EFT/Tapping scripts, the Bonus Guest expert masterclasses and more) for the month of December for free... and our holiday gift to you [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], is a coupon for $100 off the entire program should you choose to enroll. Use the coupon code, THRIVE at checkout.
Click To Enroll In Life Camp |
Ruby and I are wishing you so much love and magic during this time!!! Remember, we've got you covered with support on our social media pages -@therubychristine | @starrosebond - and over on our youtube channel, Life Camp TV... whether or not you choose to do Life Camp with us, we want you to know, you're not alone. We are here for you, rooting for your unlimited. Hit reply with any Life Camp questions or tell us your upcoming plans for rest and relaxing to the max!
Holiday cheers,
Star and Ruby
PS: When you're ready, here are a few ways we can support you closing the gap on who you are and who you want to be...
Feeling alone in left field on your healing journey? We've got you covered. Life Camp enrollment is open now, click here for all the details to jumpstart your ability to heal, integrate and confidently thrive no matter what you've been through! Use the holiday coupon code THRIVE at check out for $100 off and the month of December free! Coupon expires at the end of the month!
Need a little inspiration? We've prepared loads of great free content just for you!
Click here to head to our blog or
Click here to go to our youtube channel
Going through a breakup or not sure if it's time to make some changes in your relationship? Grab our workshop, The Breakup Guide and get a 90 minute video deep dive with us, a workbook with journal prompts and exercises as well as a guided meditation and heart opening yoga flow!
Ruby & Star| LIFE CAMP
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