Guided Meditation: Deeply Relax, Soften and Release Tension

guided meditation guided visualization Apr 24, 2022
picture of a creek with text that reads Life Camp TV deeply relax, soften and release tension guided meditation series with Ruby Head, Coach and Star Bond, LCSW

A guided meditation incorporating breath work to lead you into deep relaxation to melt away the stress and anxiety. Follow along and release tension, soften stuck places and align with your higher self.

The sigh breath will be introduced at the beginning of the meditation and is simply a double inhale through the nose and an audible sigh exhale through the mouth. This breath is scientifically proven to instantly calm and relax by sending signals to the brain and nervous system while simultaneously balancing out oxygen and carbon dioxide levels by releasing excess carbon dioxide from the lungs.

This simple meditation can be done laying down, sitting, or even walking. We invite you to give yourself the opportunity to be guided into deep relaxation and gently release.


We'd love to hear from you in the video comments... what came up for you during this journey to deep relaxation?  What was ready to be released?


The Breakup Guide: How to get unstuck, let go and move on!

Whether you’re in the process of breaking up, newly separated or you’ve broken up long ago (but still think about your ex every dang day)... you can get unstuck with a lot less heartache and mess. This 90 minute class is the hands-on, science-backed approach to powerfully navigating life after a breakup.

For all the details and to enroll click here.


Life Camp is here... A virtual sanctuary for grown-ass adults who want to ditch their trauma through a neuroscience based approach & create a life worth obsessing about. Apply today!

From Ruby Christine Head, Coach and Star Rose Bond, LCSW, Cofounders of Life Camp International and your strategy obsessed, neuroscience based, Trauma informed coach and therapist.

Note: Please note the information provided in this show is not medical advice, nor should it be taken or applied as a replacement for medical advice. Life Camp TV, its employees, guests and affiliates assume no liability for the application of the information discussed. **The information provided is not medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. ***Always consult a board-certified M.D. before using new tools or practices of any kind.

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