5 Ways Trauma Impacts the Brain & Shows Up In Everyday Life

Nov 24, 2021

Healing & overcoming trauma has EVERYTHING to do with the brain 🧠 and very little to do with luck, chance and/or intelligence.

Did you know... 5 major parts of the Brain are typically impacted post trauma, adversity and/or long term toxic stress- which will cause all sorts of weird sh*t to manifest in our everyday lives.

Annoying, yes! Frustrating and disheartening even more so...

Correctable?! Ab-so-fking-lutelyπŸ˜ƒ

Ever wonder why you might feel unshakable insecurity and low self-esteem?

Or maybe you are just constantly waiting for the other πŸ‘Ÿ shoe to drop?

And no matter how many coaches and therapists you hire, you still have no fking idea what you’re doing with your life and making decisions about ANYTHING often feels abnormally hard?

If you answered even remotely yes to any of those—- you’re probably dealing with some post trauma brain alterations.

Don’t trip!! Best part about knowing your neurobiology is off, is that it now lets you off the hook in terms of being a ‘fk up’ or ‘broken’ and sets the stage for you to begin taking the necessary steps to getting back on track and begin the process of deep, long-lasting healing.

And!!! It gets better!!!! Brains are spectacular at repairing themselves with the right tools and proper support; you can start to experience dramatic results in a very short amount of time!

Get ready for #insight + #relief in this mini Life Camp TV deep dive!


 Throw your βœ‹πŸΌβœ‹πŸ½βœ‹πŸΎ hands up in the comments below if you’re ready to give up the story that holds you back from being your bada** self— truth is, you got science 🧬 and us on your side!!

This is the healing journey, heal your brain, integrate your trauma, close the gap on who you are and who you want to be.

From Star Rose Bond, LCSW and Ruby Christine Head, Co Founders of Life Camp and your strategy obsessed, neuroscience based, Trauma informed therapist and coach.

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